Sunday 21 February 2010

Colour Commentary: The Birth of the NXT Generation

We're going to cut it a little simple this week in Colour Commentary since it's been a busy week personally, simply we're going to look at the first of Generation NXT, the rookies who will be taking up WWE's new show and their associated WWE Pro's.

Michael Tarver and Carlito

I feel rather bad for Mr Tarver, he's got the look, from what I've seen his got the skill, but he's been put with probably the worst possible person I ever could've considered for a teacher - I'm sure everyone had one, the teacher who just phoned it in? Yeah, that's Carlito when he's in the ring for himself, so I dread how he's going to be with his pupil. From what I gather these guys are meant to be help train the rookies both on screen and behind them, so whilst it might create some great on-screen tension, I can't imagine Tarver learning anything from Carlito except how to slack off.

Skip Sheffield and MVP William Regal

Let the rumour mill roll as to why MVP's out, but as far as Sheffield goes, he couldn't ask for a better pro, why Regal wasn't involved in the first place I don't know (he and Finlay would be PERFECT for this, and imagine the rivalry between the two) but Skip best be a glad of this, because quite frankly he looks like a man going through a mid-life crisis who wants to be a wrestler - here's to hoping he performs better than he looks.

David Otunga and R-Truth

Two ethnic gents put together as a team? There's a surprise WWE! In all seriousness, if Otunga claims to be the "Kanye West of WWE", then R-Truth should be a great match who can make him a bit more down to earth whilst still retaining his personality. Otunga could be a our next MNM with his celebrity links and he looks like he could hurt you, which never hur-... oh wait it does hurt.

Wade Barrett and Chris Jericho

Wow, did Wade Barrett get the luck of the draw or what? Wade is sure to get some real benefit from working with a showman like Jericho and the fact he "never bites his tongue" could create some great chemistry with his mentor, whether it be in the form of friction or traction.

Justin Gabriel and Matt Hardy

If he's going by Justin Gabriel, I want DJ Gabriel back. Just sayin'. But as far as potential goes, the former Justin Angel is one who should go far in WWE, he's got the skills, he's got the look (tell me there won't be some Twilight-esque slashfic in his future and I'll be showing you it - but don't call me on that, I really don't want to have to hunt that out) and he's got a trainer who's got a dedication to the business and fans.

Heath Slater and Christian

Oh man, there's two guys in these rookies that need a haircut, and Heath is one, it makes him look really odd with his red skin tone. Heath reminds me a lot of Christian in personality from the little I've seen, and considering how well Christian has done with getting over the ECW talent, Heath is in for an absolute treat.

Darren Young and CM Punk

From this point on (and once before on Twitter), I'm referring to Darren Young as "Pineapple Head", if CM Punk is going to shave anyone's hair, I pray it's his. Please Straight Edge Saviour! I can see shades of Zack Ryder in young Pineapple Head, so here's to hoping it's not just imitation, it's innovation from this young fruit from South Beach.

Daniel Bryan and The Miz

OF COURSE I saved these two for last, like there was going to be any other pairing I could leave to the main event. And do you know why that is? Because people are idiots. Pure and simple. The amount of whining I've heard about this is ridiculous. Do you know what's good about this pairing? Everything. It's got people talking. It's got built-in tension between the likely face Bryan and the heel Miz. It's got a man who knows a lot about showmanship teaching a guy who wrestles like a master but doesn't have great personality. It's got a man who is a wrestling master likely showing up a guy who's pretty average in the ring. It's got BRYAN FREAKING DANIELSON AND THE MIZ - how could this pairing be any more... wait for it... awwwweesooooommmee! If you have issues with this pairing, well done, you've finally turned into the mark that WWE wanted you to be all along, welcome to our world.
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