Sunday 21 February 2010

Play-by-Play Week #2

WWE RAW: 08/02/2010
A lot of people called this a filler RAW, I'm not so sure I totally agree, but looking back, it wasn't a particularly fantastic show...

The Good
● SHEAMUS! This was the single most important moment of the entire show and I believe has built into two moments we're about to see. By decimating arguably RAW's biggest two names in John Cena and Triple H, Sheamus has finally been established as a wrecking crew. Not only that, but I feel we're down to our final (for now) Cena/Sheamus confrontation in the Elimination Chamber, as well as planting the explosives for a big Triple H/Sheamus match for the title at WrestleMania, which is a brawl I would love to see.

● Batista/Cena, this is the build their first match should've received, Batista is totally on form as a heel and Cena is at his arguable best since early 2007, this could be the biggest face/heel confrontation on a WrestleMania card in quite some time if they keep up the low boil and just let it explode at 'Mania.
● Ladies and gentlemen, The Viper is loose and it looks like we're finally getting Randy the face, which could potentially be absolutely massive, the moment he hit that RKO, I literally jumped out my seat and cheered, I can not wait to see what this could potentially bring, just so long as they don't make Randy buddy-buddy with anyone, this could be brilliant to watch.

The Bad
● Where the hell was Shawn Michaels? After last week I didn't even catch a mention of him, we got more coverage on Smackdown with a passing comment than we did all RAW.
● The Bret Hart segment, everybody messed up, Cena's timing, the effects crew, the cameraman, it just didn't work at all and I can't see the point in it except to say that Bret can't wrestle at WrestleMania.
● Jerry Springer, originally I was going to put this in the "Okay" section, but man, this segment (whilst nothing particularly offensive) could've been so much more. Imagine Jericho appearing as the jilted ex of Big Show (now with Miz), imagine HBK pouring his heart out and destroying the set, heck, I even would've given for them to reveal in Kelly Kelly's ultrasound that the baby was the hand that Mae Young didn't give birth to!

The Uh... Okay
● I'm going to ruin any credibility I have here, but Antonio Inoki, I know who he is, I know all he's achieved (and I know he's worthy of Hall of Fame status), but it just doesn't mean much to me personally coming on the tails of Ted DiBiase.
● DiBiase and Kofi, I don't know what's happened to Kofi in 2010, but he's gone from absolute megastar to Carlito-esque going through the motions, Ted did a good job, but I'm a little disappointed that the Man-A-From-Ghana is not delivering right now considering his epic with Randy Orton.

● MVP and Mark Henry beating Miz & Big Show - served no real purpose since there's no match yet booked for Elimination Chamber (a card that's going to struggle to fill two hours from what I can see), I'm hoping that these guys are going to develop into a multi-team match at WrestleMania for the Tag Titles as a replacement for Money In The Bank.
● Bret Hart, on a rare moment in the last two months, Bret's speech did nothing for me, though the fact a Hart was left in hospital and we were to get reports felt horrible, and not in the right way.


WWE Presents... ECW on Scyfy: 09/02/2010 (UK Airdate: 11/02/2010)
This wasn't what it should have been, this should have involved nods to the ECW of old and new, it should've featured a goodbye video package and it should've been given a proper burial... but what it did do in its last match is delivered the TRUE spirit of ECW.

The Good
● What do I mean by the "True" spirit? I mean it established a man - Zeke. Christian did his usual fantastic job of putting a man over and Zeke now looks like a force to be reckoned with since he's not only grabbed a title, but he's the LAST champion.

● Three men came out of this looking like the stars they're going to be, Zeke and Christian of course... and Zack Ryder - woo woo woo... you know it.
● The Abraham Washington Show. How is it that on potentially the last ever segment of this, it was actually entertaining? Not to mention Kozlov and Shelton is a team I'd like to see. Here's to hoping we see Abe as a mouthpiece for someone, because he draws heat fantastically - heck, if they ever turn Shelton again, he'd be the absolute perfect match for a mouth to match the in-ring talent.

The Bad
● The lack of nod to ECW's history, pure and simple, felt like a total waste.

The Uh... Okay
● The CATFIIIIIIIGHT, it was good to see, and we all understood it, but would it have killed them to have one of the announcers call it in true fashion?
● The NXT stuff, I kind of hoped we'd get to meet the wrestlers in person in just a brief "about me" segment, but it's no big thing.


WWE Superstars: 11/02/2010 (UK Airdate: 12/02/2010)
I'll make this brief since Superstars is my "don't pay attention" show.

The Good
● Gail Kim/Katie Lea was good, how Katie has yet to win a title is baffling though - and where's Paul?

● The tag match was entertaining, but I can't help but think it's time Primo turned heel and joined his brother and Chavo and Evan teamed up in a sort of veteran/rookie (in comparison) tag team that would benefit both.

The Bad
● --

The Uh... Okay
● Mysterio/Knox served no purpose but to show that Rey's had a match before the Chamber like most other wrestlers.


WWE Smackdown: 12/02/2010
Great show all-round, only one out of place moment and the rest really built me up for Elimination Chamber.

The Good
● Jericho delivers, as you'd expect, that Codebreaker moment to one-up Undertaker has me excited, if HBK doesn't face Undertaker, I'm praying it's going to be Jericho, these two could deliver potentially a match greater than last years HBK/'Taker match if given a chance. In fact, that entire last match was probably the best show ender WWE's put on in quite some time.

● Crofetta's (or as I should now call them again - The Dudebusters) were on fine form against Cryme Tyme. I'm hoping this is going to lead to Smackdown having an actual tag division whilst RAW has thrown together teams, could make for a different dynamic and benefit Smackdowns superior wrestling and RAW's superior entertainment.
● Punk and Gallows going over Morrison and Truth, Morrison is clearly out of the Chamber at this point and we all know who's going to replace him, but the point is the Straight Edge Society looked strong, and Rey's failed revenge just throws fuel on the fire of what should be a very cool feud.
● The Hart Dynasty beating Team Khardy and Maria (should that be Khardia now?) and the post-match segment with Team Laycool was very entertaining. Laycool are like a less awesome Beautiful People and their insults to Hardy and his return fire made me laugh.
● Zeke is coming to Smackdown, and believe me, this right here? It's domination. I hope he'll be thrown into the US title mix sooner rather than later. 

The Bad
● Vickie and Mickie, I repeat from last week, why is this happening?

The Uh... Okay
● Kane and Dolph Ziggler, again Dolph suffers from "lack of storylineitis" and has to lose to Kane, I love The Big Red Machine, but he didn't need this win, it could've just as easily been Mike Knox or someone who could take the loss without looking like even more of a bitch than they have done.


TNA Impact: 11/02/2010 (UK Airdate: 13/02/2010)
Coming off of a strong PPV, TNA have a lot to offer now in terms of where stories are going, and they delivered the goods.

The Good
● Pope starts off the show, just as he should and cuts a great promo, then he enjoys some fantastic interaction with Ric Flair. As old as the "Dick Flair" nickname is, it's delivered with great humour from Dinero and is a lot of fun, this feud could be something to behold when we get AJ and The Pope back in the ring together again.

● Daffney is fantastic, as usual, seeing her wail on Tara makes me think they aren't done with Tara's angle of being a "Diva" turned "Knockout", and if that means a hardcore brawl with Daffney I have no issues with that.
● Orlando Jordan and Samoa Joe had a great match, and oddly enough, I feel that the right man won, OJ has put in some great performances since being in TNA and I'm sure this is just building to a feud or angle for Samoa Joe. The finish was a very cool counter (something we've seen a lot of this last fortnight) and it didn't make anyone look weak.
● Abyss, if they're turning him into a main event player again, they're going about it right, and though the segment with Hogan was awful, I genuinely thought that the concept delivered.
● The return of Kaz was a triumph, as a guy who doesn't see the big deal in Kazarian, he really impressed me, better match than I've ever seen him as Suicide and better than most of his previous stuff. Him and Doug Williams should gel fantastically.
● Jeff Jarrett was on fine form with Abyss, I'm enjoying his slow moving storyline and lack of spotlight, it allows him to perform under minimal scrutiny and he really delivers.
● Eric Bischoff and Hogan, all night both were on fire, Eric's "naughty boy" face when Hogan caught him trying to unmask Abyss is a facial expression that will stick in my head forever, as was Hogans "dad is here and he's not impressed" look.
● Big Rob's clothesline, I said it on Twitter, I'll say it again, looked deep and harmful, cool turn and I hope it develops him a little.
● The Band finally got me interested, but I can thank Nash for that. Say what you might about Kevin, the man can deliver a promo.

The Bad
● The fact they're still doing the ringbell thing whenever there's any form of beatdown. Annoying.
● TNA wussing out on Orlando Jordan's bisexual kisses, I don't blame TNA for taking it out, but if you're not going to deliver it, don't record it in the first place.
● Generation Me. Oh man, TNA wrestlers are going on my hitlist for my most hated of all things in a wrestling match - pointless flips and high spots. Their flip was stupid and added nothing to that dropkick. Unless it looks like it would deliver momentum to a move DO NOT do it, it endanger you, your fellow wrestlers and looks pathetic.

The Uh... Okay
● Mick's makeover, I get that it was to stop Mick interfering with Abyss, but I really kind of hoped we'd get some humorous segments from it.
● Kurt Angle delivered a heartfelt promo and then Kennedy ruined it, it wasn't be being a heel, he just removed any heat from the segment somehow, I can't even explain it.
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